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How To Limit WiFi Speed For Others | Same Network OR Router

How To Limit WiFi Speed For Others | Same Network OR Router

Many Internet owners, after dividing their speeds on neighbors or subscribers in one network, often see the poor quality of the Internet due to problems with the quality of the Internet connection from the service provider or poor infrastructure such as the box, the wiring used to deliver the service and the large number of pieces.

It is possible that the last reason is what we are talking about and how to treat it is the unfair use by our network participants or use some programs to disconnect the net and control the network to use the full speed alone.

Now we will explain the definition of Selfish net and the method of installation and how to use it.


Selfishnet is a great program that gives you full control over your Internet. You can quickly set the speed for some users or cut off the Internet permanently if someone has already used the NetNet software. This program also works with its developed program to bypass any programs that are not allowed Netcut, Anti Netcut, and other programs that are old to it.



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